
Система для игры в рулетку Expert

The game consists of 4 parts:
A First you chart 12 spins on paper.
B Then you look for a sector of 6-7 numbers that have been hit at least 4 times. Play this sector a maximum of 6 times. Keep charting these 6 numbers when they come up.
C Then you look for a sector of 6-7 numbers that are playable (see beneath). Play this sector a maximum of 6 times. Keep charting these 6 numbers when they come up.
D For the last time, look for a playable sector and play for maximum of 6 times.

So maximum game time is 12 + 6*3 = 30 spins.

Notes with the above:

ad B: Rules:
1. A sector must at least have 4 hits on a minimum of 3 numbers. So 4 hits on 1-22-1-22 is NOT a playable sector.
2. If there are 2 sectors of the wheel, one with 4 hits, and the other with 5 hits, you choose the sector with the most hits.
3. If there are 2 sectors with the same number of hits, choose the sector with a double or triple hit on a number.
4. If there are 2 sectors with the same number of hits, and both have none or 1 double hits, choose the sector that has been hit last. (Recency).
5. If there are 4 hits in a sector of 4 numbers next to each other, "stretch" the sector on both ends with 1 number to a sector of 6 numbers.
6. If there are 2 sectors of the wheel, one with 4 hits, and the other with 5 hits, but the one with 5 hits has bigger gaps, than choose the sector with the least gaps between numbers.
7. If there are no sectors playable after 12 spins, keep charting until there is a playable sector.

See page 3 and 4 of the System for examples of the above rules.

ad C: Rules:
1. First mark the 6 numbers that you are charting under B, different than the 12 numbers under A and the 6 numbers under C. Play the sector with the MOST hits (counting the charted hits under A and B).
2. If there are 2 sectors with the same total of hits, play the sector with the most hits under the second charting period (B). So look for recency.
3. Always look for the sector with the TOTAL most hits, even if they are hits from the charting period A.
4. If there are 2 sectors with the same total of hits, take the sector with the least amount of gaps.

ad D: Rules:
5. Play the sector with the MOST hits (counting the charted hits under A and B and C).
6. If there are 2 sectors with the same total of hits, play the sector with the most hits under the second charting period (C). So look for recency.
7. If there are 2 sectors with the same total of hits, take the sector with the least amount of gaps.

Page 8 has the chart that is being used for charting. I do it myself on a round roulette wheel, using open circles for A, closed circles for B and a cross for hits under C. Perhaps play a few games on page 9 and further, he gives you the 12 initial spins at the bottom of the page. "Satz" means the numbers in the sector that he is playing, under " Perm " are the real numbers that have been spun.

Personally I'll quit after I have more than 40 chips in 2 rounds, because if you lose the third round, you only go home with 4 chips.

If you win during B, C or D, STOP playing for that round. You never bet a second time after a win, just let the winning chip ride for 1 round, you are aiming for a double hit here. Just keep charting until the round of 6 is up and start playing your next playable sector (which can be the same one as before!) until you win, or lose 6 rounds.

There is a second system explained on page 41, but the author himself says it's not as good.

Page 56 tells you how to become a millionaire within 8-12 months, depending if you want to bet 200 or 500 dollar chips per number!!

Bankroll is 50 chips per game and 3*50 reserve capital. So if you loose 8 times in a row in a game, you'll be at -48, stop playing and go to another table!

Дата створення/оновлення: 25.05.2018
