
Система для игры в рулетку Secret Roulette

The Secret Roulette System works like this:
You will be playing one of six lines (5/1 Odds).
The lines are as follows: the 3,6 line; the 9, 12 line; the 15, 18; the 21, 24; the 27, 30; or the 33, 36.

You start out by charting out numbers as they show up on the wheel.
You keep doing this until only one of the above listed lines has not had a single number show. You then begin betting this line.

The author recommends a negative progression (up as you lose). The progression is in units as follows:
1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144. Under this progression, after the second bet, the bets are the sum of the previous two bets The author recommends starting over, either after a win, or after a losing series.

Дата створення/оновлення: 25.05.2018
