
Система для игры в рулетку Roulette Master

ROULETTE MASTER Is without a doubt the ultimate truly consistent winning roulette system. Using the guidelines and betting system as outlined here you are sure to have wininng session after session after session.....

The strategy works on betting on columns of six numbers chosen according to trending patterns and placing your bet depending on which spin you are on. Your bet is increased incremently depending on which spin you are playing. Each session may last 1 to 31 spins - In our trial the longest we had to wait to win a session was 24 spins.

Remember to stick to the rules!!

There are 7 columns which we can play using roulette master:
0 0,1,2,3 or 00,0,1,2,3 (double 0 wheel)
1 1,2,3,4,5,6
2 7,8,9,10,11,12
3 13,14,15,16,17,18
4 19,20,21,22,23,24
5 25,26,27,28,29,30
6 31,32,33,34,35,36

You place your bets on these columns

0 x
1 2 3 x
4 5 6
7 8 9 x
10 11 12
13 14 15 x
16 17 18
19 20 21 x
22 23 24
25 26 27 x
28 29 30
31 32 33 x
34 35 36

(figure 1)

You place your bet on the "x".

Rule 1
You need to find the table you going to play on. You may play on any table, but it's best to chose a "cyclic" table i.e one that has an even distribution of column numbers. i.e you look at the last 14 spins - you should have at least one number representitive from each of the columns as represented above less one or 2 columns never more. So 1,11,33,21,36,13,28 would be acceptable only 25-28 is not represented.

Rule 2
You need to chart your spins and the trends. If the casino you are in has an electronic board then simply chart the last 15 numbers onto a roulette card as a small dot on the aprropriate number. If your casino does not supply cards simply draw up your own (figure 1) and place a square around each number. You then chart the spins by placing a small dot in the square of the appropriate number. You do this after each spin. Once you have charted 15 spins you are ready to roll!
You may play1,2 or 3 columns simultaneosuly or just 1 column at a time - 3 columns makes for faster gameplay and turnover yield. You are however playing each column individually until a win.

You look at your charting card and chose the 3 columns of 6 which have the largest number of "hits" i.e those columns which have come up most often (if there is a tie then chose your favourite) eg this may be 13-18, 1-6 and 31-36 you then use a second card to chart your spins as follows:

you are playin columns 1-6, 13-18 and 31-36:

1-6 13-18 31-36  
1 1 1 (here you are playing spin number 1)

You look at your chart (table 1) and see that spin number 1 requires 1 unit.
You place one unit on each of the above 3 columns.
The croupier then starts spinning the ball. And 10 comes up place a dot next to 10 (chart the number) - a loss you then go to the next level:

2 2 2 (you are now playing spin number 2)

You look at your chart (table 1) and see that spin number 2 requires 1 unit.
You place one unit on each of the above 3 columns.
The croupier then starts spinning the ball. And 27 comes up place a dot next to 27 on your chart - a loss you then go to the next level:

3 3 3 (you are now playing spin number 3)

You look at your chart (table 1) and see that spin number 3 requires 1 unit.
You place one unit on each of the above 3 columns.
The croupier then starts spinning the ball. And 3 comes up place a dot next to 3 on your chart- a win for column 1-6 but a loss for the other 2 columns you put a line below column 1-6 and add a spin to the other 2 columns:
You decide if you want to continue playing 3 columns (if you are in a hurry you would play the other 2 columns until each one wins) you look at your chart and check if another column is trending better(1-6) may still be trending well so you decide to play 1-6

1-6 13-18 31-36
1 4 4

So you are now playig spin number 4 on 13-18 and 31-36 and spin number 1 on 1-6.
The croupier spins and 14 comes up. You chart 14 on your card and decide if you want to still play 13-18 - you may decide to play another column that is trending better. But if 13-18 is still trending well then continue to play it.

2 1 5 (you are now playing spin number 2 on 1-6 (1 unit) spin 1 on 13-18 (1 unit) and spin 5 on 31-36 (1 unit))

spin 1 on 13-18 (1 unit) and spin 5 on 31-36 (1 unit)

Croupier spins and 17 comes up. First chart 17 and decide if you want to continue playing if you want to finish up then continue playing the other 2 colums until a win else chose a colum to play- 13-18 still looks to be trending well so you continue with this columns.

3 2 6 (you are now playing spin 3 on 1-6 (1unit) spin 2 on 13-18(1 unit) and spin 6 on 31-36(2 units))

You continue in this fashion until each column wins. If you are playin 3 columns simultaneosuly and decide you have had enough then once you win stop that column and playy the other 2 and once you've won play the last column.

Table 1.
Depending on what spin you are on you need to place the appropriate bet on the chosen column of six numbers.

Spin Bet (units)
1 1
2 1
3 1
4 1
5 1
6 2
7 2
8 2
9 3
10 3
11 4
12 5
13 6
14 7
15 8
16 10
17 12
18 14
19 17
20 21
21 25
22 30
23 36
24 43
25 52
26 62
27 74
28 88
29 107
30 128

Never change a column during a session-stick to the one you are playing - it will come up - you need to be patient.
Follow the betting plan astutely and don't be tempted to dviate.
Your profits may look small initially but once you've had 10-15 winning sessions you will be sitting with a handsome profit.
Chose a table that is not too busy - this way the croupier spends less time paying out etc, and you get a faster game play.
Follow the bet rules exactly as laid out and DON'T panic.
Play 3 groups of 6 numbers simultaneosuly until you decide you want to leave then, after a win play the remainin 2 and after the next win play the one left until a win and leave with your profits.

Дата створення/оновлення: 25.05.2018
